Friday, January 20, 2012

My top 6 Scents of all time

1. Sexy little things by Victoria's Secret $25.00 aprox.

2. Viva la juicy by Juicy Couture $40-90 aprox.

3. Very sexy by Victoria's secret $40 aprox. 

4. Nina by Nina Ricci $60 aprox.

5.  Love Express by express $60 aprox.

Paris by Paris Hilton $55 aprox.

* NOTE: These are approximate prices. Prices can vary depending on sale, location of purchase and  quantity of product.*


wdn th said...

i have viva la juicy! it smells gooooddd!! thanks for sharing!! would love to have you as my blog member! i will folback :)

Anonymous said...

Nina Ricci Nina is one of my faves!

Ale said...

Love the nina ricci too. I haven't tried the others.

Unknown said...

I LOVE viva la juicy! One of my all time favourite scents. I need to do a favourite perfumes soon! Great blog:)

Stavrolino said...

I love Viva la juicy!!!
great post!
…All in Style…!

New Jersey Belle said...

viva la juicy is my FAVORITE. I've gone through so many of them!

ps- i tagged you in a tag post!
<3 Domenique

TheBeautyHoarder said...

I have Viva La Juicy and I love it too!!!! Following your blog. Plus, how did you make your banner?

21SaraLoves said...

OMG the Nina Ricci has such a cute bottle! Love Viva La Juicy too.

StephsBeauty&Things said...

The Paris hilton one is beautiful. I really want to try the Juicy perfume:)

Zoe Amelia said...

I LOVE Viva La Juicy and Paris by Paris Hilton :)

Thank you for your comment on my blog, I am following you now!

Dearest Lou said...

I LOVE VIVA LA JUICY! All time favorite scent! I'm going to have to check out some of these other ones! I just found your blog and I'm so happy I did I love it! Please check out my blog and follow me back if you like it (;

xo your newest follower

Ck said...




ps- lets follow each other?

Eva said...

Toller Geschmack!

Finde hast einen tollen Blog!
Werde dich verfolgen & hoffe du mich auch:)


♥ tiffany said...

I love the juicy scent too!

BlairBeautyBlogger said...

I have Viva la Juicy too! I really love it and now I want to ty Peace Love Juicy! Great perfume picks:)